Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This morning I am having one of those unique and incredible "moments" that we all have but so often fail to appreciate. As I sit here in my living room enjoying my third cup of coffee, having just finished reading the book of Romans, and listening to Jack snore,..... I became overwhelmed with thankfulness for the life that I now live.

It was not all that long ago that I felt as if my life was over, and everything that I had "worked" so hard for was slipping through my fingers. It is amazing how we can sometimes justify our endless drive for more, better, and best while totally neglecting the things that are truly priceless in life. Things like our family, our reputations, our name or more importantly, our salvation. I personally had come to a place where my life had become totally disconnected from the reality of who God had created me to be, and destined me to be. I lived for me. I worked for me. I even ministered.... for me.

When my world came crashing down around me and I found myself in a place of utter despair and brokenness, then He came to me.... and all of a sudden I realized it was never about me. All of my righteousness was as filthy rags before Him. I was nothing more than a sinful hypocrite with a platform of selfish ambition. I came to the place of saying I am not WORTHY to breathe... much less confess Christ.... and to minister... well that was totally out of the question. It was not until I came to that place that I realized my destiny, my worth, and in the process I found Jesus all over again!

Today, as I sit here I am most thankful. My current house is 1/4 the size of my former house... and I have never been happier. The church I serve is 1/10 the size of the last church I attended, and yet I have never felt more useful for the Kingdom. Yes... I am having one of those moments where I am thankful for what is no longer... and most thankful for what is!

Remember to thank God daily for the little things in your life. Remember to ask Him to search your heart daily for the secret sins and finally, remember to give thanks to the only one who can truly bring happiness and fulfilment, Jesus Christ.

Make me hear joy and gladness,
That the bones You have broken may rejoice. Psalms 51:8

Love, Honor, Serve
Pastor Eugene

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