Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Living Large

If there is one thing we as Americans are good at.... it is living large! From our homes, to our cars, to our all you can eat buffets..... we know living large! I have been privledged to spend some time in Russia and Siberia. I am always amazed at how meager the existence is for the average person in other parts of the world.... and yet in so many ways..... their lives are so much more fulfilling than ours.

We as a society have become so self-indulgent as to believe we are OWED this right to living large. As a result, we spend money we do not have, to accumulate debt we cannot afford to buy the things we do not need to impress the friends we cannot keep. I know very well the endless spiral of want and greed. I too have wasted a major portion of my life in pursuit of "the best" of
everything... only to find it become obsolete and outdated.

Ezekial 33:31- So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as my people, and they hear your words but they do not do them; for with their mouths they show much love, but with their hearts they pursue their own gain.

So why am I wasting blog space? Why am I ranting so? Because I now understand what truly living large should be..... It is not in the things we accumulate or accomplish.... it is not in the wealth we pretend to have or the possesions we have to impress others... living large is found in living out the Word of God. My love for HIS people must be true. All that is obtained for my personal gain will perish but what I do for the Kingdom will last for eternity.

Today, before God and man I proclaim to love with abandon, serve with determination, and live with passion for the things of my God!

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